Electron optics is a mathematical framework for the calculation of
particle paths along given electrostatic or magnetostatic fields. Electrons are charged particles (
point charges with
rest mass).
The electron also has an associated
spin of + 1/2. While in motion an electron
energy, regardless of any imposed charge field—this could be
achieved by accelerating electrons via a voltage differential into a screened
"field-free" region, which initially imparts the energy required to
accelerate the electron. Given sufficient voltage, the electron can be
accelerated sufficiently fast to exhibit measurable
relativistic effects, and the velocity must be
accounted for relativistically. According to the
wave particle duality, electrons can also
be considered as wave propagations and therefore have associated wave
properties such as wavelength, phase and amplitude.
respect to electron optics, the nature of the electron as a charged particle
causes electrons to interact with imposed electron fields, and their spin
causes magnetic field interactions as well. These interactions form the
Bethe Formula:
In nuclear
physics and theoretical physics, charged particles moving
through matter interact with the electrons of atoms in the material. The
interaction excites or ionizes the atoms. This leads to an energy loss of the
traveling particle. The Bethe
formula describes the energy loss per distance travelled
of swift charged particles (protons, alpha
particles, atomic ions, but not electron)
traversing matter (or alternatively the stopping power of the material). The non-relativistic version was found by Hans Bethe in 1930.
For a
particle with speed v, charge z, and energy E,
traveling a distance x into a target of electron number
density n and mean excitation potential I,
the relativistic version of the formula reads:
Here, the electron density of the material can be calculated by
In the
figure to the right, the small circles are experimental results obtained from
measurements of various authors (taken from http://www.exphys.uni-linz.ac.at/Stopping/).
The red curve is Bethe's formula. Evidently, Bethe's theory agrees very well
with experiment at high energy. The agreement is even better when corrections
are applied (see below).
For low
energies, i.e., for small velocities of the particle β <<
1, the Bethe formula reduces to
At low
energy, the energy loss according to the Bethe formula therefore decreases
approximately as v−2 with increasing energy. It
reaches a minimum for approximately E = 3Mc2,
where M is the mass of the particle (for protons, this would
be about at 3000 MeV). For highly relativistic cases β ≈
−1, the energy loss increases again, logarithmically due to the transversal
component of the electric field.
The mean excitation potential:
In the
Bethe theory, the material is completely described by a single number, the mean
excitation potential I. In 1933 Felix Bloch showed
that the mean ionization potential of atoms is approximately given by
where Z is
the atomic number of the atoms of the material. If this approximation is
introduced into formula (1)
above, one obtains an expression which is often called Bethe-Bloch
formula. But since we have now accurate tables of I as a
function of Z (see below), the use of such a table will yield
better results than the use of formula (3).
figure shows normalized values of I, taken from a table.[2] The
peaks and valleys in this figure lead to corresponding valleys and peaks in the
stopping power. These are called "Z2-oscillations"
or "Z2-structure" (where Z2 means
the atomic number of the target).
Corrections to the Bethe formula:
The Bethe formula is only valid for energies high enough so that the
charged atomic particle (the ion) does not carry any atomic electrons with it. At smaller
energies, when the ion carries electrons, this reduces its charge effectively,
and the stopping power is thus reduced. But even if the atom is fully ionized,
corrections are necessary.
found his formula using quantum
mechanical perturbation theory. Hence, his result is
proportional to the square of the charge z of the particle.
The description can be improved by considering corrections which correspond to
higher powers of z. These are: the Barkas-Andersen-effect (proportional
to z3, after Walter H.
Barkas and Hans Henrik Andersen), and the Bloch-correction (proportional
to z4). In addition, one has to take into account that the
atomic electrons are not stationary ("shell correction").
corrections have been built into the programs PSTAR and ASTAR, for example, by
which one can calculate the stopping power for protons and alpha particles.[3] The
corrections are large at low energy and become smaller and smaller as energy is
by the type of electric field generation (DC or
by focusing (pure electrostatic or with magnetic
fields), or
by the number of electrodes.
Figure 1 Schematic of an electron gun
Electrons may be emitted from a
conducting cathode material either by heating it to the point where outer
orbital electrons gain sufficient energy to overcome the work function barrier of
the conductor (thermionic sources)
or by applying an electric field sufficiently strong that electrons
"tunnel" through the barrier (field
emission sources). Electron guns used in microprobes employ the
former method, in which electrons are effectively evaporated from a
resistively-heated tungsten filament; some alternative names for the
filament include cathode or emitter.
direct current, electrostatic thermionic electron gun is formed from several
parts: a
hot cathode,
which is heated to create a stream of
thermionic emission, electrodes generating an
field which focus the
beam (such as a
cylinder), and one or more
anode electrodes which
accelerate and further focus the electrons. A large voltage between the cathode
and anode accelerates the electrons. A repulsive ring placed between them
focuses the electrons onto a small spot on the anode at the expense of a lower
extraction field strength on the cathode surface. Often at this spot is a hole
so that the electrons that pass through the anode form a collimated beam and
finally reach a second anode called a collector. This arrangement is similar to
Einzel lens.
ion gun consists of a cylinder where gas
enters from one end face, undergoes electron bombardment from the side walls,
and is subjected to an extraction voltage from the other end face. The entire
cage has the role of the cathode; the extractor acts as the anode, and an
unnamed ring takes the role of the
Electrons leave the filament with
an average energy of E = kT, where k = Boltzmann's constant (8.617398 x 10-5 eV/K),
and T = filament temperature (K). At 2700 K, the electrons have energies of
about 0.23 eV. To escape from the cathode, electrons must have a component
of velocity at right angles to the surface and their corresponding kinetic
energy must be at least equal to the work done in passing through the surface.
The energy required to for a material to give up electrons is related to
its work function, Ew. The
work function of a material is given by:
E = Ew +
where, E is the total amount of
energy needed to remove an electron to infinity from the lowest free energy state,
Ef is the highest free energy state of an electron in the
material, and Ew is the work function or work required to
achieve the difference.
The emission flux can be expressed by
the ‘Richardson- Dushman’ equation, dating from 1923, which describes the
current density emitted by a heated filament:
The electron flux from a tungsten filament is
minimal until a temperature of approximately 2500 K. Above 2500 K, the
relationship predicts that the electron flux will increase essentially
exponentially with increasing temperature, until the filament melts at about
3100 K. However, in practice, the electron emission reaches a plateau termed
saturation due to the self-biasing effects of the Wehnelt cap. Proper
saturation is achieved at the edge of the plateau (Figure 2) higher emission
currents serve only to reduce filament life.
The electron source in
microprobes has a triode configuration, consisting of an emitter/cathode
(filament), grid cylinder (Wehnelt) and anode. The filament is usually a thin
(about 0.1 mm) tungsten wire bent into an "inverted
V." Electrons are preferentially emitted from the bent tip and
produce a coherent source of electrons in a fairly small area; however, because
the filament is bent in a single plane the geometry of this region is not
perfectly circular. Tungsten is used because it withstands high
temperatures without melting or evaporating. Unfortunately, as noted above, it
has a very high operating temperature (2700 K). Heating is accomplished by
running a 3- to 4-amp current through the filament. Higher temperatures
can deliver greater beam current, but the tradeoff is an exponentially
decreasing lifetime due to thermal evaporation of the cathode material.
2 shows the emission and sample currents as a function of
filament voltage in a self-biased gun (think of voltage as analogous to
filament temperature). The operating voltage was 20 keV. Approximate
saturation voltages (operating values) are indicated. Notice the false
peak at about 3.4 volts caused by region of filament that reaches emission
temperature before tip. After Heinrich (1981).
Figure 2
Emission currents range from about 50 to 200 mA (1
mA = 10-for electron microprobe, whereas they are much higher (15 to 25 mA) for
X-ray fluorescence and much lower (100s pA) for SEM work. The life expectancy,
t, of a 0.125-mm-diameter filament (in hours) is approximately:
t = 50 / J,
where J = emission flux (A/cm2).
The cloud of primary electrons is condensed by the
Wehnelt cap that surrounds the filament and is biased -200 to -300 V
with respect to the filament. The Wehnelt cap has an aperture located below the
filament tip and suppresses electron emission from the filament except at the
tip.. It is important that the filament be properly centered in relation to the
opening of the Wehnelt cap and be the proper distance from the opening.
Otherwise, an off center beam that is either weak/condensed or bright/diffuse
will be produced. The Wehnelt cap acts as a convergent electrostatic lens
and serves to focus the cloud of electrons. The electrons converge at a point
(10-100 µm in diameter) located between the base of the Wehnelt cap and the
anode plate, This point is called the "cross-over" and is the
location of the effective electron source. The distance between the tip of the
filament and the Wehnelt aperture is critical in determining the geometry of
the lens.
The distance between the Wehnelt and the filament
can be adjusted in most microprobes, allowing the shape of the electrostatic
field to be changed and optimization of the electron gun.
Figure 3 Configuration of self-biased electron gun
(after Goldstein et al. 1981).
The potential difference between the filament and
Wehnelt is maintained using a bias resistor, which allows the gun to be
self-regulating. Recall from high-school physics that V = I R, where
V = voltage, I = current, and R = resistance. As the filament emits electrons,
an emission current (I) flows from filament to Wehnelt. Any increase the
emission current causes a larger voltage drop (V) across the bias resistor and
a larger negative voltage is applied to the Wehnelt, reducing the current. As
the emission increases, so does the voltage difference between Wehnelt and
filament, causing the emission to plateau. Proper bias voltage also optimizes
the electron beam brightness (current density per solid unit angle) providing
the the most focused electron beam (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Schematic relationship between bias voltage,
emission current, and beam brightness. (after Goldstein and Yakowitz, 1975, p.
The electrons emitted from the filament are drawn
away from the cathode by the positively charged anode plate, which is a large
circular plate with a central aperture. The anode has a hole in its
center and is biased from +1 to +50 keV with respect to the filament-Wehnelt.
(Actually the electron gun is held at a negative voltage relative to the
anode.). The voltage potential between the cathode and the anode plate
accelerates the electrons down the column and is known as the "accelerating
voltage" and is given in terms of KeV. Together the Wehnelt cylinder and
anode plate serve to condense and roughly focus the beam of primary electrons.
Movement of the filament tip is
the major source of beam instability and even a displacement of 1o will
produce a significant change. The electron gun is aligned by shifting the
position of the filament relative to the anode and column beneath it. This
position may have to be periodically checked. Most machines (including the
Cameca MBX) are aligned mechanically by moving the filament with setscrews or
knobs. However, the most modern Cameca microprobes use electromagnets to align
the gun. This is accomplished with alignment coils consisting of two sets of
four radially oriented magnets one above the other.
The most common use of electron
guns is in cathode ray tubes, which were widely used in
computer and television monitors. An electron gun
can also be used to ionize particles by adding or removing electrons from an atom. This technology is
sometimes used in mass spectrometry in a process called electron ionization to ionize vaporized or gaseous particles.
More powerful electron guns are used for welding, metal coating, 3D metal
printers, metal powder production and vacuum furnaces.
An electrostatic
lens is a device that assists
in the transport of charged particles. For instance, it can guide electrons emitted
from a sample to an electron analyzer, analogous to the way an optical lens assists
in the transport of light in an optical instrument. Systems of electrostatic
lenses can be designed in the same way as optical lenses, so electrostatic
lenses easily magnify or converge the electron trajectories. An electrostatic
lens can also be used to focus an ion beam, for
example to make a microbeam for
irradiating individual cells.
Figure 5 Electrostatic
lenses in an electron diffraction experiment
Cylinder lens
cylinder lens consists of several cylinders whose
sides are thin walls. Each cylinder lines up parallel to the optical axis into
which electrons enter. There are small gaps put between the cylinders. When
each cylinder has a different voltage, the gap between the cylinders works as a
lens. The magnification is able to be changed by choosing different voltage
magnification of two cylinder lenses can be changed,
the focal point is also changed by this operation. Three cylinder lenses
achieve the change of the magnification while holding the object and image
positions because there are two gaps that work as lenses. Although the voltages
have to change depending on the electron
energy, the voltage ratio is kept constant when the optical
parameters are not changed.
While a charged particle
is in an electric field force acts upon it. The faster the particle the smaller
the accumulated impulse. For a collimated beam the focal length is given as the
initial impulse divided by the accumulated (perpendicular) impulse by the lens.
This makes the focal length of a single lens a function of the second order of
the speed of the charged particle. Single lenses as known from photonics are
not easily available for electrons.
cylinder lens consists of defocusing lens, a
focusing lens and a second defocusing lens, with the sum of their refractive
powers being zero. But because there is some distance between the lenses, the
electron makes three turns and hits the focusing lens at a position farther
away from the axis and so travels through a field with greater strength. This
indirectness leads to the fact that the resulting refractive power is the
square of the refractive power of a single lens.
Einzel lens
An einzel lens is an electrostatic lens that
focuses without changing the energy of the beam. It consists of three or more
sets of cylindrical or rectangular tubes in series along an axis.
Quadrupole lens
The quadrupole lens consists
of two single quadrupoles turned 90° with respect to each other. Let z be the optical
axis then one can deduce separately for the x and the y axis that the
refractive power is again the square of the refractive power of a single lens.
magnetic quadrupole works very similar to an electric quadrupole. But the Lorentz force increases
with the velocity of the charged particle. In spirit of a wien filter a
combined magnetic, electric quadrupole is achromatic around a given velocity. Bohr and Pauli claim
that this lens leads to aberration when applied to ions with spin (in the sense
of chromatic aberration), but not when applied to electrons, which also have a
spin. See Stern-Gerlach experiment.
Magnetic lens
The magnetic lens consists
of three parts: a radial field with a flux decreasing towards the optical axis,
which makes particles at the outer rim perform a spiraling motion, a
homogeneous magnetic field along the optical axis which leads to the focusing Lorentz force,
and a second part with a radial field undoing the spiraling. Again the
indirectness leads to the fact that the resulting refractive power is the
square of the refractive power of a single lens.
Multipole lenses
Multipoles beyond the quadrupole can correct for spherical aberration
and in particle accelerators the dipole
bending magnets are really composed of a large number of elements with
different superpositions of multipoles.
the dependency is given for the kinetic energy itself depending on the power of
the velocity. So for an electrostatic lens the focal length varies with the
second power of the kinetic energy, while for a magnetostatic lens the focal
length varies proportional to the kinetic energy. And a combined quadrupole can
be achromatic around a given energy.
If a
distribution of particles with different kinetic energies is accelerated by a
longitudinal electric field, the relative energy spread is reduced leading to
less chromatic error for example in the electron microscope.
Electro lens is the most important component of an electron gun used for
producing the narrow intense electron beam. Electron lens action is utilized in
particle accelerators to focus charged particles into a narrow beam. The recent
development of electron spectroscopy makes it
possible to reveal the electronic structures of molecules.
Although this is mainly accomplished by electron analysers, electrostatic
lenses also play a significant role in the development of electron
spectroscopy. Since electron spectroscopy detects several physical phenomena
from the electrons emitted from samples, it is necessary to transport the
electrons to the electron analyser. Electrostatic lenses satisfy the general
properties of lenses.
cathode ray tube
(CRT) is a
vacuum tube containing one or more
electron guns (a source of electrons or electron
emitter) and a
fluorescent screen used to view images.
It has a means to accelerate and
deflect the electron beam(s) onto the screen to create the images. The images
may represent electrical
waveforms (
pictures (
computer, monitor),
radar targets or others. CRTs have also been
used as
memory devices, in which case the visible light emitted from the
fluorescent material (if any) is not intended to have significant meaning to a
visual observer (though the visible pattern on the tube face may cryptically
represent the stored data).
CRT uses an evacuated glass envelope which is large, deep (i.e. long from front
screen face to rear end), fairly heavy, and relatively fragile. As a matter of
safety, the face is typically made of thick
lead glass so as to be highly shatter-resistant
and to block most
X-ray emissions, particularly if the CRT is
used in a consumer product.
Figure 6 Cathode Ray Tube showing its
deflection coils and electron guns
have largely been superseded by newer display technologies such as
display, and
OLED, which as of 2012
offer lower manufacturing and distribution costs. The vacuum level inside the
tube is
high vacuum on the order of
0.01 Pa to
133 nPa.
sets and
computer monitors,
the entire front area of the tube is scanned repetitively and systematically in
a fixed pattern called a
An image is produced by controlling the intensity of each of the three electron
beams, one for each additive primary color (red, green, and blue) with a
video signal as a reference.
In all modern CRT monitors and
televisions, the beams are bent by
magnetic deflection, a varying
magnetic field generated by coils and driven by electronic circuits around the
neck of the tube, although electrostatic deflection is commonly used in
a type of diagnostic instrument.
In oscilloscope CRTs, electrostatic
deflection is
used, rather than the magnetic deflection commonly used with television and
other large CRTs. The beam is deflected horizontally by applying an electric
field between a pair of plates to its left and right, and vertically by
applying an electric field to plates above and below. Oscilloscopes use
electrostatic rather than magnetic deflection because the inductive reactance of the magnetic coils would
limit the frequency response of the instrument.
Phosphor persistence
phosphors are available depending upon the needs of the measurement or display
application. The brightness, color, and persistence of the illumination depends
upon the type of phosphor used on the CRT screen. Phosphors are available with
persistences ranging from less than one microsecond to several
seconds. For visual observation of brief transient events, a long
persistence phosphor may be desirable. For events which are fast and
repetitive, or high frequency, a short-persistence phosphor is generally
Micro channel plate
displaying fast one-shot events the electron beam must deflect very quickly,
with few electrons impinging on the screen; leading to a faint or invisible
image on the display. Oscilloscope CRTs designed for very fast signals can give
a brighter display by passing the electron beam through a micro-channel plate just before it reaches the
screen. Through the phenomenon of secondary emission this plate multiplies the
number of electrons reaching the phosphor screen, giving a significant
improvement in writing rate (brightness), and improved sensitivity and spot
size as well.
oscilloscopes have a graticule as part of the visual display, to facilitate
measurements. The graticule may be permanently marked inside the face of the
CRT, or it may be a transparent external plate made of glass or acrylic plastic. An internal graticule eliminates parallax error, but cannot be changed to
accommodate different types of measurements. Oscilloscopes commonly
provide a means for the graticule to be illuminated from the side, which
improves its visibility.
Storage Tube
These are
found in analog phosphor storage
oscilloscopes. These are distinct from digital phosphor storage oscilloscopes which rely on solid state
digital memory to store the image. The use of a long persistence phosphor may
allow the image to be observed after the event, but only for a few seconds at
best. This limitation can be overcome by the use of a direct view storage
cathode ray tube (storage tube). A storage tube will continue to display the
event after it has occurred until such time as it is erased. A storage tube is
similar to a conventional tube except that it is equipped with a metal grid
coated with a dielectric layer located immediately behind the phosphor screen.
An externally applied voltage to the mesh initially ensures that the whole mesh
is at a constant potential. This mesh is constantly exposed to a low velocity
electron beam from a 'flood gun' which operates independently of the main gun.
This flood gun is not deflected like the main gun but constantly 'illuminates'
the whole of the storage mesh. The initial charge on the storage mesh is such
as to repel the electrons from the flood gun which are prevented from striking
the phosphor screen.
When the
main electron gun writes an image to the screen, the energy in the main beam is
sufficient to create a 'potential relief' on the storage mesh. The areas where
this relief is created no longer repel the electrons from the flood gun which
now pass through the mesh and illuminate the phosphor screen. Consequently, the
image that was briefly traced out by the main gun continues to be displayed after
it has occurred. The image can be 'erased' by resupplying the external voltage
to the mesh restoring its constant potential. The time for which the image can
be displayed was limited because, in practice, the flood gun slowly neutralizes
the charge on the storage mesh. One way of allowing the image to be retained
for longer is temporarily to turn off the flood gun. It is then possible for
the image to be retained for several days. The majority of storage tubes allow
for a lower voltage to be applied to the storage mesh which slowly restores the
initial charge state. By varying this voltage a variable persistence is
obtained. Turning off the flood gun and the voltage supply to the storage mesh
allows such a tube to operate as a conventional oscilloscope tube.
Color CRTs
Color tubes use three different
phosphors which emit red, green, and blue light respectively. They are packed
together in stripes (as in aperture grille designs)
or clusters called "triads" (as
in shadow mask CRTs). Color CRTs have three electron guns,
one for each primary color, arranged either in a straight line or in an
equilateral triangular configuration (the guns are usually constructed as a
single unit). (The triangular configuration is often called
"delta-gun", based on its relation to the shape of the Greek letter
delta.) A grille or mask absorbs the electrons that would otherwise hit the
wrong phosphor. A shadow mask tube
uses a metal plate with tiny holes, placed so that the electron beam only
illuminates the correct phosphors on the face of the tube. Another type of color CRT uses an aperture grille to
achieve the same result.
Other CRTs
Cats Eye
better quality tube radio sets a tuning guide consisting of a phosphor tube was
used to aid the tuning adjustment. This was also known as a "Magic
Eye" or "Tuning Eye". Tuning would be adjusted until the width
of a radial shadow was minimized. This was used instead of a more expensive
electromechanical meter, which later came to be used on higher-end tuners when
transistor sets lacked the high voltage required to drive the device. The same type of device was used with
tape recorders as a recording level meter.
displays for early computers (those that needed to display more text than was
practical using vectors, or that required high speed for photographic output)
Charactron CRTs. These incorporate a perforated
metal character mask (
stencil), which shapes a wide electron beam to form a
character on the screen. The system selects a character on the mask using one
set of deflection circuits, but that causes the extruded beam to be aimed
off-axis, so a second set of deflection plates has to re-aim the beam so it is
headed toward the center of the screen. A third set of plates places the
character wherever required. The beam is unblanked (turned on) briefly to draw
the character at that position. Graphics could be drawn by selecting the
position on the mask corresponding to the code for a space (in practice, they
were simply not drawn), which had a small round hole in the center; this
effectively disabled the character mask, and the system reverted to regular
vector behavior. Charactrons had exceptionally long necks, because of the need
for three deflection systems.
Nimo was
the trademark of a family of small specialized CRTs manufactured by Industrial
Electronics Engineers. These had 10 electron guns which produced electron beams
in the form of digits in a manner similar to that of the charactron. The tubes
were either simple single-digit displays or more complex 4- or 6- digit
displays produced by means of a suitable magnetic deflection system. Having
little of the complexities of a standard CRT, the tube required a relatively
simple driving circuit, and as the image was projected on the glass face, it
provided a much wider viewing angle than competitive types (e.g., nixie tubes).
Williams tube
Williams tube or Williams-Kilburn tube was a cathode ray tube used to
electronically store binary data. It was used in computers of the 1940s as a
random-access digital storage device. In contrast to other CRTs in this
article, the Williams tube was not a display device, and in fact could not be
viewed since a metal plate covered its screen.
Zeus thin CRT display
In the
late 1990s and early 2000s Philips Research Laboratories experimented with a type of
thin CRT known as the Zeus display which contained CRT-like
functionality in a flat panel display. The devices were demonstrated
but never marketed.
High contrast ratio (over 15,000:1), excellent color, fairly wide color gamut and low black level.
No native resolution; the only current
display technology capable of true multisyncing (displaying many different resolutions
and refresh rates without the need for scaling).
No ghosting and smearing artifacts
during fast motion due to sub-millisecond response time, and impulse-based
Near zero color, saturation, contrast or
brightness distortion.
Allows the use of light guns/pens.
Can be used or stored in both extreme
hot and cold temperature conditions without harm to the system.
Large size and weight, especially for
bigger screens (a 20-inch (51 cm) unit weighs about 50 lb
(23 kg)).
Geometric distortion caused by variable
beam travel distances.
High power consumption. On average, a
CRT monitor consumes 2–10× the power that an identically sized LCD monitor
would consume, depending on the type of backlight used in the LCD screen, and
its brightness setting.
A lot of heat can be emitted during
operation, due to relatively high power consumption.
Can suffer screen
burn-in, though not as quickly as Plasma displays.
Produces noticeable flicker at refresh
rates lower than 85 Hz.
Hazardous to repair/service.
Maximum size for direct-view displays is
limited to about 40 inches due to practical and manufacturing restrictions (a
CRT display of this size can weigh about 300 pounds), though the sizing can be
increased with an array of separate displays, such as the original Jumbotron used at sports arenas.
The glass envelope contains toxic lead and barium as X-ray radiation shielding. The phosphors can
also contain toxic elements such as cadmium.
Many countries treat CRTs as toxic waste and prohibit their disposal in
landfills or by incineration.
Purity and convergence in color tubes,
affected by the Earth's magnetic field, usually roughly
factory preset (biased) for operation in either the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere, or the equatorial
area, but may require trimming at final location. Adjustment at
final location requires a high degree of technical skill, as well as safety
precautions associated with opening the display housing.
Sensitive to magnetic interference,
which can cause the image to shimmer (e.g. if a transformer or other
electro-magnetic source is too close to the screen) or the colors to shift
(e.g. if an unshielded speaker is too close to the screen).
Slightly blurry image compared to the razor
sharp stationary image an LCD can produce.
A “halo” may appear around bright
objects on a mostly dark screen.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Principles
Figure shows the structure and the main components of a cathode ray tube (CRT)
are shown in figure 7(a). The face plane of the CRO screen is shown in figure 7(b).
beam generated by the electron gun first deflected by the deflection plates,
and then directed onto the fluorescent coating of the CRO screen, which
produces a visible light spot on the face plane of the oscilloscope screen.
Figure 7(a) Figure 7(b)
A detailed
representation of a CRT is given in Figure 7(c). The CRT is composed of two
main parts,
i). Electron Gun, ii). Deflection System
Electron Gun
gun provides a sharply focussed electron beam directed toward the
fluorescent-coated screen. The thermally heated cathode emits electrons in many
directions. The control grid provides an axial direction for the electron bean
and controls the number and speed of electrons in the beam. The momentum of the
electrons determines the intensity, or brightness, of the light emitted from
the fluorescent coating due to the electron bombardment. Because electrons are
negatively charged, a repulsion force is created by applying a negative voltage
to the control grid, to adjust their number and speed. A more negative voltage
results in less number of electrons in the beam and hence decreased brightness
of the beam spot. Since the electron beam consists of many electrons, the beam
tends to diverge. This is because the similar (negative) charges on the
electrons repulse each other. To compensate for such repulsion forces, an
adjustable electrostatic field is created between two cylindrical anodes,
called the focussing anodes. The variable positive voltage on the second anode
cylinder is therefore used to adjust the focus or sharpness of the bright spot.
The Deflection System
deflection system consists of two pairs of parallel plates, referred to as the
vertical and horizontal deflection plates. One of the plates in each set is
permanently connected to the ground (Zero volt), whereas the other plate of
each set is connected to input signals or triggering signal of the CRO.
7 (d)
shown in Figure 7 (d), the electron beam passes through the deflection plates. 
reference to the schematic diagram in Figure 8, a positive voltage applied to
the Y input terminal causes the electron beam to deflect vertically upward, due
to attraction forces, while a negative voltage applied to the Y input terminal
causes the electron beam to deflect vertically downward, due to the repulsion
forces. Similarly, a positive voltage applied to the X input terminal will
cause the electron beam to deflect horizontally toward the right, while the
negative voltage applied to the X terminal will cause the electron beam
horizontally toward the left of the screen.
A cyclotron is
a type of particle accelerator in
which charged particles accelerate
outwards from the center along a spiral path. The particles are held to a spiral
trajectory by a static magnetic field and accelerated by a rapidly varying (radio frequency) electric
Principle of Operation
accelerate charged particle
beams using
a high frequency alternating voltage which is applied between two "D"-shaped
electrodes (also called "dees"). An additional static magnetic field
is applied in perpendicular direction to the electrode
plane, enabling particles to re-encounter the accelerating voltage many times
at the same phase. To achieve this, the voltage frequency must match the
particle's cyclotron resonance frequency
the relativistic mass m and its charge q. This frequency is given by equality of centripetal force and magnetic Lorentz force. The particles, injected near the
centre of the magnetic field, increase their kinetic energy only when recirculating
through the gap between the electrodes; thus they travel outwards along a spiral path.
Figure 9 Diagram of cyclotron operation from Lawrence’s 1934
The D
shaped electrodes are enclosed in a flat vacuum chamber, which is installed in
a narrow gap between the two poles of a large magnet. Their radius will
increase until the particles hit a target at the perimeter of the vacuum
chamber, or leave the cyclotron using a beam tube, enabling their use e.g.
for particle therapy. Various materials may be used for
a target, and the collisions will create secondary particles which may be
guided outside of the cyclotron and into instruments for analysis.
Relativistic considerations
the non relativistic
approximation, the frequency does not depend upon the radius of the
particle's orbit, since the particle's mass is constant. As the beam spirals
out, its frequency does not decrease, and it must continue to accelerate, as it
is travelling a greater distance in the same time period.
In contrast to this
approximation, as particles approach the
speed of
light, their
mass increases,
requiring either modifications to the frequency, leading to the
or modifications to the magnetic field during the acceleration, which leads to
isochronous cyclotron. The relativistic mass can be rewritten as
the relative velocity, and
The relativistic
cyclotron frequency and angular frequency can be rewritten as
, and
, would
be the cyclotron frequency in classical approximation,
, would
be the cyclotron angular frequency in classical approximation.
gyro radius for a particle moving in a static
magnetic field is then given by
Where, v would be the
(linear) velocity
synchrocyclotron is a cyclotron in which the frequency of the driving RF
electric field is varied to compensate for relativistic effects as the
particles' velocity begins to approach the speed of light. This is in contrast
to the classical cyclotron, where the frequency was held constant, thus leading
to the synchrocyclotron operation frequency being
is the classical cyclotron frequency
again is the relative velocity of the
particle beam.
The rest mass of an
electron is 511 keV/c
2, so the frequency correction is 1% for a
magnetic vacuum tube with a 5.11 keV/c
2 direct current accelerating voltage.
The proton mass is nearly two thousand times the electron mass, so the 1%
correction energy is about 9 MeV, which is sufficient to induce
Isochronous cyclotron
alternative to the synchrocyclotron is the
cyclotron, which has a magnetic field that increases with radius, rather
than with time. Isochronous cyclotrons are capable of producing much greater
beam current than synchrocyclotrons, but require azimuthal variations in the
field strength to provide a
strong focusing effect and keep the particles captured
in their spiral trajectory. For this reason, an isochronous cyclotron is also
called an "AVF (azimuthal varying field) cyclotron".
This solution for focusing the
particle beam was proposed by
L. H. Thomas in 1938.
and the relativistic
cyclotron frequency

, one
can choose
to be proportional to the Lorentz

This results in the
which again only
depends on the velocity

, like in the
non-relativistic case. Also, the cyclotron frequency is constant in this case.
The transverse
de-focusing effect of this radial field gradient is compensated by ridges on
the magnet faces which vary the field azimuthally as well. This allows
particles to be accelerated continuously, on every period of the
frequency (RF), rather
than in bursts as in most other accelerator types. This principle that
alternating field gradients have a net focusing effect is called
focusing. It was obscurely known theoretically long before it was
put into practice.
Examples of
isochronous cyclotrons abound; in fact almost all modern cyclotrons use
azimuthally-varying fields. The TRIUMF cyclotron is the largest with an outer
orbit radius of 7.9 metres, extracting protons at up to 510 MeV,
which is 3/4 of the speed of light. The PSI cyclotron reaches higher energy but
is smaller because of using a higher magnetic field.
several decades, cyclotrons were the best source of high-energy beams for nuclear physics experiments; several
cyclotrons are still in use for this type of research. The results enable the
calculation of various properties, such as the mean spacing between atoms and
the creation of various collision products. Subsequent chemical and particle
analysis of the target material may give insight into nuclear
transmutation of
the elements used in the target.
Cyclotrons can be used in particle therapy to treat cancer. Ion beams from cyclotrons can be
used, as in proton therapy, to penetrate the body and kill
tumors by radiation damage, while minimizing damage to healthy
tissue along their path. Cyclotron beams can be used to bombard other atoms to
produce short-lived positron-emitting isotopes suitable for PET imaging.
More recently cyclotrons currently
installed at hospitals for particle therapy have been retrofitted to enable
them to produce technetium-99. Technetium-99 is a diagnostic
isotope in short supply due to difficulties at Canada's Chalk River facility.
Mass spectrometer
In 1919 Aston developed the first really good mass
spectrograph, an instrument for measuring the masses of isotopes. His apparatus
gave accuracies of one part in 1000.
A simpler form of the mass spectrograph than
Aston's is that due to Bainbridge (1933) and a plan view of this is shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 10 Mass
Ions are formed at D and pass through the
cathode C and then through a slit S1. They then travel between two
plates A and B, between which a potential (V) is applied. A magnetic field
(strength B) is applied at right angles to the electrostatic field and so the
electrostatic and electromagnetic forces act in opposite directions to each
A particle with a charge q and velocity v will only pass through the next slit
S2 if the resultant
force on it is zero – that is it is traveling in a straight line. That is if:
Electromagnetic force (Bqv) = Electrostatic
force (qE)
Therefore, for the particle to pass through S2:
Velocity of particle
(v) = E/B
But this is a constant, and so only particles with a certain
velocity enter the deflection chamber F. For this reason the combination of
slits and deflecting plates is called a velocity
In the deflection chamber the ions are affected
by the magnetic fields alone and so move in circular paths, the lighter ions
having the larger path radius. If the mass of an ion is M, its charge q and its
velocity v then:
where r is the radius of the path. Therefore r =
Mv/(Bq) and so: Mass of ion
(M) = rB2q/E
The radius of the path in the deflection chamber is directly proportional to
the mass of the ion. The detection is by either a photographic plate or a
collector that produces a small current when the ions fall on it. The magnetic
field may be varied, so changing the radii of the particles' paths so that ions
of different masses fall on a fixed collector.
This method of analysis is very accurate and can detect
differences in the masses of two ions as small as one part in 109.
Figure 11 shows the appearance of the
photographic plate when a gas containing two isotopes is used. Note the wider
line for the mass m1, showing its relatively greater abundance.
Electron Microscope:
electron microscope
(EM) is
a type of microscope that uses an
electron beam to illuminate a specimen and
produce a magnified image.
An EM has greater
resolving power than a
light microscope and can reveal the structure of
smaller objects because electrons have wavelengths about 100,000 times shorter
than visible light
They can achieve better than 50
pm resolution
magnifications of up to about 10,000,000x whereas
ordinary, non-confocal light microscopes are limited by
diffraction to about 200
nm resolution and useful magnifications
below 2000x.
Figure 12 Electron Microscope fabricated by
Types of Electron microscope:
i). Transmission
electron microscope (TEM)
The original
form of electron microscope, the transmission
electron microscope (TEM)
uses a high voltage electron beam to create an image. The
electron beam is produced by an electron gun, commonly fitted with a tungsten filament cathode as the electron source. The electron beam is
accelerated by an anode typically at +100 keV (40 to 400 keV) with respect to the cathode, focused
by electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses, and transmitted
through the specimen that is in part transparent to electrons and in part scatters them out of the beam. When it
emerges from the specimen, the electron beam carries information about the
structure of the specimen that is magnified by the objective lens system of the microscope. The
spatial variation in this information (the "image") may be viewed by
projecting the magnified electron image onto a fluorescent viewing screen
coated with a phosphor or scintillator material such as zinc sulfide.
Alternatively, the image can be photographically recorded by exposing
a film or plate directly to the electron beam,
or a high-resolution phosphor may be coupled by means of a lens optical system
or a fiber optic light-guide to the sensor of a
CCD (charge-coupled
camera. The image detected by the CCD may be displayed on a monitor or

Figure 13 Layout of optical
components in basic TEM
Transmission Electron Microscope
of the TEM is limited primarily by spherical aberration, but a new generation of aberration
correctors has been able to partially overcome spherical aberration to increase
resolution. Hardware correction of spherical aberration for the high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has allowed the production of images with
resolution below 0.5 angstrom (50 picometres) and magnifications above 50
million times. The ability to determine the positions of atoms within
materials has made the HRTEM an important tool for nano-technologies research
and development.
An important mode of TEM utilization
is electron diffraction. The advantages of electron
diffraction over X-ray crystallography are that the specimen need not be a
single crystal or even a polycrystalline powder, and also that the Fourier
transform reconstruction of the object's magnified structure occurs physically
and thus avoids the need for solving the phase problem faced by the X-ray
crystallographers after obtaining their X-ray diffraction patterns of a single
crystal or polycrystalline powder. The major disadvantage of the transmission
electron microscope is the need for extremely thin sections of the specimens,
typically about 100 nanometers. Biological specimens typically require be
chemically fixing, dehydrating and embedding in a polymer resin to stabilize
them sufficiently to allow ultrathin sectioning. Sections of biological
specimens, organic polymers and similar materials may require special
`staining' with heavy atom labels in order to achieve the required image.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
the TEM, where electrons of the high voltage beam carry the image of the
specimen, the electron beam of the
scanning electron microscope (SEM)
does not at any time carry a complete
image of the specimen.
Figure 14 Schematic of
The SEM produces images by probing the specimen
with a focused electron beam that is scanned across a rectangular area of the
specimen (
raster scanning). When the electron beam
interacts with the specimen, it loses energy by a variety of mechanisms. The
lost energy is converted into alternative forms such as heat, emission of
low-energy secondary electrons and high-energy backscattered
electrons, light emission (
cathodoluminescence) or
X-ray emission, which provide signals
carrying information about the properties of the specimen surface, such as its
topography and composition. The image displayed by an SEM maps the varying
intensity of any of these signals into the image in a position corresponding to
the position of the beam on the specimen when the signal was generated. In the
SEM image of an ant shown at right, the image was constructed from signals
produced by a secondary electron detector, the normal or conventional imaging
mode in most SEMs.
Generally, the image
resolution of an SEM is about an order of magnitude poorer than that of a TEM.
However, because the SEM image relies on surface processes rather than
transmission, it is able to image bulk samples up to many centimetres in size
and (depending on instrument design and settings) has a great depth of field,
and so can produce images that are good representations of the
three-dimensional shape of the sample. Another advantage of SEM is its variety
environmental scanning electron
microscope (ESEM) can
produce images of sufficient quality and resolution with the samples being wet
or contained in low vacuum or gas. This greatly facilitates imaging biological
samples that are unstable in the high vacuum of conventional electron
Reflection electron microscope (REM)
the Reflection Electron Microscope (REM) as in the TEM, an
electron beam is incident on a surface but instead of using the transmission
(TEM) or secondary electrons (SEM), the reflected beam of elastically
scattered electrons is
detected. This technique is typically coupled with reflection
high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and reflection high-energy loss spectroscopy (RHELS). Another
variation is spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy (SPLEEM), which is used for looking at the microstructure of magnetic domains.
iv). Scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM)
rasters a focused incident probe across a specimen that (as with the TEM) has
been thinned to facilitate detection of electrons scattered through the specimen. The high
resolution of the TEM is thus possible in STEM. The focusing actions (and
aberrations) occur before the electrons hit the specimen in the STEM, but
afterward in the TEM. The STEMs use of SEM-like beam rastering simplifies annular dark-field
and other analytical techniques, but also means that image data is acquired in
serial rather than in parallel fashion. Often TEM can be equipped with the
scanning option and then it can function both as TEM and STEM.
Electron Microscope is having applications such as Circuit edit, Defect
analysis, Failure analysis in Semiconductor and data storage area, Diagnostic
electron microscopy, Cryobiology, Protein localization,
Electron tomography,
microscopy, Toxicology
in Biology and life sciences, Electron
beam-induced deposition, Materials qualification, Medical research, Nano
prototyping, Nano metrology, Device testing and
characterization in Materials research and High-resolution imaging, 2D & 3D
micro-characterization, Macro sample to nanometer metrology, Particle detection
and characterization, Direct beam-writing fabrication, Dynamic materials
experiments, Sample preparation, Forensics, Mining (mineral liberation analysis), Chemical/Petrochemical, Fractography and failure analysis in industries.